Approved Clinical Supervision Workshop Series (ACS)
Advanced Counselor Training Provides is an NBCC-Approved Continuing Education Provider (ACEP) and may offer NBCC-approved clock hours for events that meet NBCC requirements. The ACEP solely is responsible for all aspects of the program. This workshop series provides the educational component required towards the completion of the Approved Clinical Supervisor certificate (ACS). The ACS is offered through the Center for Credentialing and Education (CCE). New Jersey LPC licensure requires that LPC qualified clinical supervisors have training in supervision, as evidenced by either taking a graduate level course in clinical supervision or obtaining their ACS. All new supervisory relationships with LACs that start on or after October 5, 2011 must meet this new requirement.
Information Regarding the Approved Clinical Supervisor (ACS) Certificate
There are multiple steps necessary required by the Center for Credentialing & Education (CCE) to become an Approved Clinical Supervisor (ACS) certification. You can obtain up to 45 NBCC clock hours of continuing education with our clinical supervision conference. As of July 1, 2016 some components have changed. Below are the components necessary after July 1, 2016 (with recent changes in bold):
- A) A graduate course in clinical supervision, OR B) A total of 45 clock hours of workshop training in clinical supervision;
- A master’s degree or higher in a mental health related field – application requires a submission of your transcript(s);
- Current status as one of the following: (a) NCC, (b) Licensed or Certified Mental Health Provider, or (c) Licensed or Certified Clinical Supervisor;
- Five years experience postmasters (not post LPC, postmasters); 1,500 hours counts as 1 year.
- Documentation of a minimum of 100 hours of clinical supervision of mental health services provided to supervisees (these hours can either be individual or group supervision and supervision of graduate students counts towards the 100 hours). An endorser has to verify your 100 hours of supervision.
- A professional disclosure statement (an 11 part statement and self-evaluation, please see the ACS packet for details); and
- Completion and submission of the ACS application packet along with the fee to the CCE for $110.00. Please Note: Advanced Counselor Training is not associated with the CCE; we provide clinical supervision training that is accepted by the CCE.
Our 45 hour conference will cover each required ACS designated content area, these areas include:
- Roles and functions of a clinical supervisor
- Models of clinical supervision
- Professional development
- Methods/techniques in clinical supervision
- Supervisory relationship issues
- Cultural issues in clinical supervision
- Group supervision
- Legal/ethical issues in clinical supervision
- Evaluation of supervisee competence and the supervision process
ACS Recertification Information:
- The 20 hours of continuing education must be specific to clinical supervision (as many as 9 of those 20 hours can be substituted with documentation of being supervised regarding your own supervision of others).
- The ACS can participate in workshops, seminars, or in-service training that involves clinical supervision.
- A certificate of completion is an acceptable form of verification.
- The cost of recertification is $50 per year to the CCE and the certificate renews every 5 years. Within that 5 year cycle, you have to receive your 18 hours of clinical supervision workshop training and submit proof of the continuing education to the CCE.
- Click here for the CCE continuing education log to document your hours.
- Click here for the ACS continuing education guidelines from CCE.
Certified Clinical Supervision Workshop Series (CCS)
Advanced Counselor Training can also present the 30 hour Certified Clinical Supervisor (CCS) training. NOTE: We do not currently have a CCS training planned, only an ACS training. Glenn Duncan is an approved trainer for the CCS trainings with the Certification Board of New Jersey (1 of 3 approved trainers in NJ according to the Certification Board). Glenn has been providing these trainings for organizations such as the New Jersey Prevention Network for a number of years, and has been teaching clinical supervision workshops since 1999. Click our links page and visit the CCS links section to see what is required to achieve the CCS credential. This credential is not currently required by the NJ Division of Consumer Affairs, Alcohol and Drug Counselor Committee to supervise CADCs or CADC interns; however, if they follow what the other boards (LPC, LCSW and LMFT) are doing, they could require a supervisory credential in the future.
Certified Professional Counselor Supervisor (CPCS)
The goals of these interactive workshops are to increase participants’ knowledge and skills in providing clinical supervision by addressing supervision principles, models and techniques for group and individual supervision as well as ethical, legal, relational power, cultural, individual and organizational influences. The workshops will help participants develop new, and enhance existing, skills. This workshop will increase participants’ performance in providing supervision to varying supervisee populations, within differing areas of service delivery. Since this supervision certificate is specific to the State of Georgia, this workshop series satisfies the following:
- The State of Georgia’s Supervisor Education Requirement (Georgia Licensure Rule 135-5-.02).
- It satisfies the LPCAGA’s CPCS (Certified Professional Counselor Supervisor) educational requirement.
- It satisfies 24 of the 45 hours necessary to become an ACS (Approved Clinical Supervisor). Should the participant want to complete the remaining hours, we have the capicity to provide this!
- This training is also good for 24 Continuing Education Clock Hours credits for those who are NCCs (NCCs need 100 hours of continuing education every 5 years).
- This workshop series is LPCAGA approved.