What to Expect

What you can expect from most of our conferences. Please see individual conference information for important information or changes.

DAY 1: The Role of Effective Clinical Supervision - 6 NBCC Clock Hours

This 6 hour interactive workshop focuses on the major elements of being an effective clinical Supervisor. In this workshop, participants will learn about the different roles and pertinent issues in Clinical Supervisor. Participants will learn the different roles that encompass clinical supervision, and learn the structural differences (and similarities) between consultation and clinical supervision. Participants will discuss the working alliance necessary in clinical supervision, and also discuss the roles that conflict and trust play in the supervisory relationship. Other issues discussed include covering types of feedback given to staff members and coworkers, and how best to give feedback, and the role that the experiential level of the supervisee plays in the structure of clinical supervision. Teaching methods include lecture, experiential exercises and group participation/discussion.

Workshop Components:

  • Defining the Roles that encompass Effective Clinical Supervision (60 Minutes)
  • Program Development and Quality Assurance/Performance Improvement Issues (30 Minutes)
  • Drafting a Clinical Supervision ‘Vision Plan’ for your own organization (30 Minutes)
  • Passion and Counselor Burnout (45 Minutes)
  • Working Alliance (45 Minutes)
  • Role Induction and the Roles of Conflict and Trust (45 Minutes)
  • The Role of Power and Supervisee Experiential Level (45 Minutes)
  • The Art and Science of Giving Feedback and Providing Performance Evaluations (60 Minutes)
DAY 2: Models and Techniques in Clinical Supervision - 6 NBCC Clock Hours

This 6 hour interactive workshop on Models and Techniques of Clinical Supervision uses a didactic lecture format followed up with experiential learning exercises, that cover many different models of conducting clinical supervision and different techniques utilized in clinical supervision. Areas covered include a working definition of clinical supervision, breaking down this definition into the components that make up clinical supervision. The Integrated Developmental Approach to supervision (Stoltenberg & Delworth) is discussed in detail, covering descriptions of level 1, 2 and 3 counselors and supervisors. Next other models of supervision are also covered, including the Discrimination Model of supervision (Bernard), the systems model of supervision (Holloway), and the Blended Model of supervision (a model crafted specifically for working with drug/alcohol counselors by Powell). Next discussed are supervision interventions and techniques (including case conferencing, utilizing self-reports, process notes, audio taping, videotaping and utilizing live supervision). Teaching methods include lecture, experiential exercises and group participation/discussion.

Workshop Components:

  • Definition and Components of Clinical Supervision (30 Minutes)
  • The Integrated Developmental Model of Supervision (IDM) (45 Minutes)
  • The Discrimination Model of Supervision (45 Minutes)
  • The Competency-Based Model of Supervision (45 Minutes)
  • The Holloway Systems Model of Supervision (45 Minutes)
  • Other Models of Supervision (15 Minutes)
  • Differences Between Administrative and Clinical Supervision (45 Minutes)
  • Group and Individual Supervision Issues (45 Minutes)
  • Techniques for Conducting Clinical Oversight (45 Minutes)
  • Home Study Package – 21 NBCC Clock Hours
  • Functions and Techniques of Effective Clinical Supervision – 6 Clock Hours
  • Legal and Ethical Issues in Clincal Supervision – 6 Clock Hours
  • Live Supervision and the Use of Technology in Clinical Supervison – 3 Clock Hours
  • Clinical Supervision Professional Development Project – 6 Clock Hours

How the Home Study Courses Work

The home study courses will be mailed to participants as soon as they sign up, and they can return the completed answer sheet AND evaluation summary (both are required to be completed by the NBCC) at any time (but no later than the first workshop day). Advanced Counselor Training is an NBCC-Approved Continuing Education Provider (ACEP) and may offer NBCC-approved clock hours for events that meet NBCC requirements. The ACEP solely is responsible for all aspects of the program. The 21 hours of home study coursework will be included as part of the 45 total CE clock hours given for attending this conference.

DAY 3: Managing Differences and Difficult Populations - 6 NBCC Clock Hours

This 6 hour interactive workshop focuses on the major elements of managing differences between supervisors and supervisees and issues surrounding working with difficult supervisees. In this workshop, participants will learn about the influence of individual, cultural and developmental differences between supervisors and supervisees. Different aspects of individual differences are covered (e.g., differences in belief systems and theoretical orientation between supervisor and supervisee). Different aspects of cultural differences are covered as are different aspects of developmental differences (e.g., supervisee and supervisor experiential levels). Participants will discuss areas of difficulties with supervisees, including an introduction to progressive discipline policies and due process, transference and countertransference, and other generic problems with supervisees. Teaching methods include lecture, experiential exercises and group participation/discussion.

Workshop Components:

  • From Differences to Similarities (competence skill building for supervisees) (30 Minutes)
  • Cultural Competency Issues in Supervision (60 Minutes)
  • Managing Differences in Supervisees (45 Minutes)
  • Ethical Decision Making (60 Minutes)
  • Managing Difficult Staff (60 Minutes)
  • The Impaired Clinician (60 Minutes)
  • Due Process (45 Minutes)
DAY 4: Legal and Ethical Issues in Clinical Supervision - 6 NBCC Clock Hours

This 6 hour interactive workshop focuses on the major elements of legal and ethical issues surrounding Clinical Supervisors in behavioral health settings. Included are legal parameters of the NBCC along with legal parameters for professional counselors’ licensure regulations from the Division of Consumer Affairs. In this workshop, participants will also learn about the different areas of legal and ethical concern for today’s clinical supervisors. Legal areas include scope of clinical and supervisory practice, malpractice, duty to warn, direct and vicarious liability, informed consent, confidentiality, and the ADA. Ethical areas covered include workplace harassment, dual relationships, and clinical supervision ethical standards. Teaching methods include lecture, experiential exercises and group participation/discussion.

Workshop Components:

  • Are You Qualified to Supervise in NJ? (15 Minutes)
  • Malpractice (15 Minutes)
  • Duty to Warn (45 Minutes)
  • Direct and Vicarious Liability (30 Minutes)
  • Informed Consent & NJ LPC Informed Consent Regulations (30 Minutes)
  • Confidentiality & NJ LPC Confidentiality Regulations (45 Minutes)
  • Record Keeping & NJ LPC Record Keeping Regulations (30 Minutes)
  • ADA and Discrimination Standards (30 Minutes)
  • Dual Relationships (30 Minutes)
  • Workplace Harassment NJ LPC Regulations (45 Minutes)
  • NBCC and NJ LPC Licensure Clinical Supervision Legal/Ethical Standards (45 Minutes)